National Learn to Row & Olympic Day 2018

Today was truly an amazing day at Lake Stevens! We were thrilled to host Olympian and World Champion Rowers Tom Hull and Angie Sievers as they shared their experience, stories, strategies and more on rowing and life, both so inspirational! That was just the start to a full day of learn to row sessions, try rowing on the water and ending with a fun time of SUP lessons. Thanks to all of the masters and youth rowers that joined from LSRC and a warm welcome to so many new rowers that are joining us for summer Learn to Row and Youth Summer sessions. Great kick off to the summer. Go LSRC!

St. Patty's Day Row!

LSRC hosted a great day on the water followed by a club St. Patrick's Day potluck.

Presidents Day Row 2017

LSRC hosted our first annual Presidents Day Row this year and what a time we had! In support of our local community, Lake Stevens Rowing Club partnered with Lake Stevens Community Food Pantry to host a Presidential Row and Food Drive Collection.

Youth and Masters Presidential Row

Youth and Masters Presidential Row

Our Youth and Masters teams came together on the Presidents Day holiday for a row while our safety launches collected from the docks, food donated by our lake community. Because this was our first year, we were not sure what to expect and as luck would have it, it was a very soggy, wet PNW day. The community support was overwhelming.

Collecting donations from the launch!

We had many around the lake not only donating food but coming out in the rain to greet us as we rowed along. Additionally, many in the community came by the boathouse to drop off food. All in all, it was a very successful day and a time for us to celebrate the great sport of rowing while giving back to those that we care for in our community! 

Thanks to our community for their generous donations - Go Lake Stevens!!


Look forward to seeing you all again on Presidents Day 2018!